Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pros vs. College.

Man, I'm really enjoying this picking teams! Let's me examine all kinds of games from an analyst's point of view. Plus, I seem to be picking things pretty well! This weekend I was 11-3! Take it to the bank!

At any rate, getting on to the topic of this particular post, I had noticed something in my preferences of sports rather recently. I have seen, in myself anyways, that I seem to not enjoy College Football as much as pro football. I know that's not that much of an epiphany or anything, and that it's different for everybody, but it got me thinking about why that was. I mean, when you think about it, there's a lot more to like in the college game than there is in the professional game. The players are always playing to win, not for their next contract. There are tons of teams. With all those teams are the varying kinds of offenses. And bowl season is really, really exciting. I love the bowl season, I'm just not nearly as interested in things that lead up to the bowl season. All things considered, I feel like I should like college football at least as much as the pro game, but I just don't. I mean, when it comes to basketball, which I'm not that much of a fan of anyways, I am much more interested in watching a college basketball game than a professional basketball game. Then, I think I figured it out.

It's really early in the football year to be bringing this up already, but the BCS system has really ruined the college football game for me. I mean, didn't they put this thing into place in order to clear up the national championship picture? Yet all it has done, since its inception, is create even more disorder, chaos, and controversy then before it was there. It was designed to have #1 play #2 to decide the champion, yet it has happened, on at least one occasion, that #1 played #3, and then everybody was all POed. The scoring seems to be biased towards certain programs, so that when those programs lose they aren't fully put out of the running as they should be. It just makes me less eager to follow the game that is decided by a computer, essentially, in the end with no real clear winner. In the pro game, there is always a clear winner, and I think that it may be time for College Football to come up with something, ANYTHING, that can give a clear #1 at the end of the year. Not necessarily a playoff, but maybe getting things down to 1 poll so that we don't have these split national championships anymore. Naturally, though, nothing like that would ever happen. They like their bowl system, but the BCS just kills me, and lots of other people that I know as well.

So, mystery solved! Come on College Football, give the fans what they want! A clear champion at the end of the season, that gives all programs an equal shot.

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